Friday, February 13, 2009


this one is..
for the hustlers
the bustlers
the 9-5 ballers...
the wankstas
the pranksters
the wanna be gangstas..
the leaders
the followers
the shot-callers...
the robbers
the clobbers
the up and down bobbers..
for the doctors
the lawyers
the bank tellers and the yellers..
the prince
the pauper
the middle class daughter..
for the virgins
the harlots
the judge and the jury...
for the teachers
the preachers
for the truthful deceivers..
the receivers
the givers and takers
this one is for the fakers...
this is for you...
the back biters
the fighters
the igniters
the writers...
the truth seekers
the readers
the imagination feeders..
the haters
the maters
the segregaters...
for the lovers
the mothers, fathers
the sisters, the brothers
the helping hands of others
the friends
the foe
the people you don't know...
for passers by
for the old
for the young
for the weak and for the strong...
this is their song
this is their praise
this is for the sinners
it's never too late.. seek God.

thank you.

i pray for peace.

written 12-05-08


maaga..... said...

i am so very humbled that my words would stir such in-depth thought processes inside another human being....i feel you on most of what you have shared however, i believe the majority vote got it right and as an Afro-West Indian i am indeed very with every human being i guess we look at the pros and the cons and depending on which side is heavier we make our choice...the issue of abortion to me is too black and white to begin with when there are so many grey areas and complexities that need to be examined....while i know i would never abort there are certain extraneous circumstances that may lead me to change my mind....i can only pray and hope to God that i am never in such a situation....

what this means is that everyone needs's never too late to seek...

thank you thank you for your thoughts...

Megan Williams said...

this is truly amazing.

i love the word usage.

the ending is profound.

makes me think, wish, hope, seek, and remember.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion we shouldn't leave politics to a few chosen people. We should all take the time to educate ourselves and then take part in the process by letting our voices be heard. Our views are only heard when we take the time to articulate them, or write them down. Government can only take advantage of a sleeping society. Everyone needs to awaken, not just a few.

maaga..... said...

if only we could plant your thought seeds...if only.